How to Create a Medicine and Health Logo?

American Psychological Association Logo
Aria Pharmacy Logo
Bayview Pharmacy Logo
Apollo Logo

What companies use?

What images come to your mind when you think about medicine and healthcare system? We bet you thought about a cross, Bowl of Hygeia with a snake, heartbeat line, medications, and medical accessories (syringe, tonometer, etc.). Apollo, a major network of medical centers in South Asia, uses the silhouette of a nurse to highlight the professionalism and commitment of their staff.

CVS Pharmacy Logo
Diversity Committee Logo
East Auckland Psychology Logo
Ricci Psychology Logo

How to choose the right colors?

Each industry has an established set of shades that are traditionally associated with its values. For the healthcare industry, such colors include blue, red, and green. It’s only natural that these colors stand for all things related to the medical community. Blue is synonymous with serenity, purity, and precision. Associated with nature and freshness, green is known for its soothing effect. When we see red, we think about love and care. Nonetheless, healthcare facilities aren’t afraid to think outside the box and explore the entire color spectrum. The main thing is to know when to stop and use no more than 3 matching shades. Also, don’t be tempted by the abundance of fonts available on the internet. Choose 2 fonts: one for your company name and one for your slogan. Try to find blogs or magazine articles by consummate designers that specialize in the healthcare industry. It’s a great way to hunt for exciting ideas and learn the meanings behind medicine-related symbols.

Mira Apteka Logo
Psychology Chartered Logo
RX One Pharmacy Logo
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Logos created by ZenBusiness

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